Alright with AoT Season 4 on the airs rn I wouldn't want to miss an opportunity to get Eren Jeager's Workout and Diet. Cuz as we all know, my man is RIPPED. Stats (Current):- Age: 19 Height: 183 cms Weight: ??? Well, so far they haven't really said what his weight is rn. But don't worry. That ain't stopping us from getting those ripped abs. Diet As usual we’ll start with the diet. There’s many and I mean MANY diet plans out there. Do not overlook your diet! It is going to be your biggest friend in getting those abs. The workout will help in sculpting the muscle while the diet will help in maintaining a low body fat percentage and lean muscle mass. Here are some options you can try:- Intermittent Fasting (16/8 OR 18/6) OMAD Regular Three Meals 5-7 Meals a Day In my opinion you should opt for intermittent fasting or the OMAD (One Meal A Day). But experiment and see which diet works best for you. If you’re someone overweight we’re really trying to cut the fat out so ...