The FASTEST Method To Get Your First Pullup

 Alright, I don’t wanna bullshit y’all with false knowledge. This is how I taught many people how to do their first pull up and it has worked wonderfully. It’s a 5-Step Process. Mind you the method is simple but definitely not easy. My tips aren’t only research but also experience based. Lemme say this tho, if you have a pull-up bar at home, it’ll make this process much faster. Now without further ado, let’s get right into it.

1) Dead Hang: This is the most important exercise you can do. A strong grip means a stronger pull up. Practice your grip strength as often as possible. You should easily be able to hold a dead hang for 30-40 seconds.

2) Active-Passive Hang: This is the next step. I would suggest you keep practising this even after you’ve gotten your first pull-up down (pfft... “first pull-up down!) in order to increase reps. What you want to do is go from the dead hang (passive hang) to the active hang by pushing you arms to the side and elevating your body a little higher. Basically, you’re doing a pull-up without bending your elbows. Keep switching back and forth b/w the two.

3) Negative Pull-up: You have heard of this before. Now that you’ve gotten a strong grip, you wanna jump up to the top of the bar or use a stool as a boost and come down as slow as possible. This will start building that base level of strength into your arms for the pull-up. Make sure you start with your chin over the bar. Do 3 sets of 10 reps as a beginner

4) Flexed Arm Hang: This thing’s gonna work like magic for your pull-ups. After you’ve strengthened you grip strength through dead hang and built your pull-up muscles through active-passive hang and negative pull-ups. Now you wanna jump up till your chin clears the bar and hold for as long as possible, once you start losing strength, instead of dropping down, move on to a negative by coming down as slow as possible. This will start burning the move into your muscles and you will be able to pull-up within a few days of practicing this. Make sure to not let your chin rest on the bar. Perform this move with various grips (I.e. Pull-ups, chin ups, neutral grips). Do 3-5 Sets of these. Rest as per required.

5) Attempt your first pull-up! That’s right. After maybe a week of practicing the flexed arm hang, try performing the pull-up. If you followed all the steps properly than you have now strengthened all your necessary muscles to perform your first pull-up. It’s okay if it’s a little sloppy. At least you made


I just wanted to give you a quick idea of how pull-ups should be performed. Choose a grip you are most comfortable with, now you wanna pull yourself till the top of your chest touches the bar and lower down till your elbows are completely straight. There you have it. The perfect pull-up. It may take time to reach here but stay diligent and you’ll be here in no time. 
