Brad Pitt Fight Club Workout (Calisthenic style)

 Aiight, I thought about doing this over the top of my head.

Note : I'm not gonna talk about his diet, I'm simply looking at his workout routine and switching it into something more calisthenics based.

His Original Workout:-

(I don't know if this was his workout or not but almost EVERY SINGLE website has this)

His split was 
Monday: Chest
Tuesday: Back
Wednesday: Shoulders
Thursday: Arms
Friday: Cardio (1hr Run)

I'm not gonna mention his exercises, just know that he typically did just three everyday and each was 3 sets of 15 repetitions.

Brad Pitt was a hardgainer, but I don't think he was too extreme in that category as even before fight club he had a base level of muscle in prior films.

The web says his diet was about 1800 calories which included chicken breast, brown rice, salads, oats, etc.

I'm not a huge fan of calorie counting. I lost all my weight without doing it anyway.


Okay! Let's get with the workout.

With this workout we're gonna keep 3 strength training days and 2 cardio days as I don't suggesting training everyday with circuit-style calisthenics. I'll keep it so that both the overweight and underweight dudes and dudettes can follow.

Monday (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps):-
3x15 each
Diamond Pushups
Decline pushups/ Pike Pushups
Bodyweight Skull Crushers/ Dips
Regular Pushups

Wednesday (Back)
3x5-7 each
Regular Pull ups
Neutral Grip Pull ups
Chin ups
15 Australian Chin Ups

Friday (Legs):-
3x15 each
Side-to-side deep lunges
Bulgarian Split Squats (L&R)

Daily Cardio Workout:-
50 Jumping Jacks
100 High Knees
100 Butt Kicks
50 Tuck Jumps
3 Sets

There you have it. It's a 5-day split.
If this workout is too difficult for you, you can opt for easier versions of the exercises
For example:-
Diamond Pushups > Incline DP
Pike Pushups > Incline PU
Pull Ups > Body Rows/ Assisted Pull Ups
Bulgarian Split Squats > Reverse Lunges

You get the idea.

Choose freely which cardio you want to do, it does not have to be just walking or running. You could pick up a jump rope, go cycling whatever. Just make sure to do 30-60 mins of it.


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